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OK, next in our nightly Studio update series ... what's the foot traffic flow again? Oh, and a GREAT announcement about registrations!?
BUT FIRST ... if you didn't yet, please fill out this 1 MINUTE survey about returning to live classes!
Carmen San Diego ...
Super quick review of the foot traffic flow below. Don't worry, there are arrows on the floor and signs everywhere and OF COURSE, we will be there to help you! Also, if you've never been to our Home, check out our Empire 😍

And What About Registrations?
Well, like I said last night. We talked, and thought about, a lot. Our classes are VERY limited due to the (super important) mass regulations. But our active memberz spoke up, and we've made some tweaks.
SO now registration is open to EVERYONE up to 1 week in advance! We'll be switching over some things in the system to enable this, but if you have any trouble, just email deskdiva@bethefitfriend.com and let us know what for what classes you want to sign up!
One Last Thing About Coming Home ...
It's mandatory to maintain 6 feet between FRIENDz at all times. No hugging, no high fiving, none of the things that will immediately feel "safe" when you come home. This is temporary FRIENDz, and it doesn't mean the love and appreciation is any less. Our time will come.
Also, you'll be asked a standard set of COVID-19 questions ... if you answer "yes" to any of them and cannot produce a negative COVID-19 test result, or have a temp over 100.4 when we check you, we'll have to ask you to leave. We'll also have to ask you to leave if you violate the 6 feet rule. Please don't make us do that 😭
The questions...
In the past 14 days have you or a household member…
Been outside New England, or in Rhode Island? (Note, this travel question will change as Mass.gov updates their regulations)
Been around anyone, w/out use of PPE, known to be infected w/ COVID-19?
Experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms, or a fever over 100.4 F?
A Note from Lauren...
I can't believe tomorrow is the day. After 146 days of closure (how is that even real), we'll see your face again. Well, part of it. There's something about smiling eyes anyway ... don't you think?
Release the tears ...
Namaste you fierce, powerful, goal-achieving Rock Star. You, FRIEND.
All my love,
Lauren "Pigtails" Caparso (& Mario hehe)
There are no more tissues, gum, toiletries (in the lounge), towels to borrow, mats to borrow, use of changing rooms, or getting your own water/retail, etc. THIS IS ALL TEMPORARY!
Membership on hold but don't want to miss out on the next wave of spot openings? Just email us and let us know you'd like to resume ASAP so you get first dibs & early access discounts on our new membership programs!
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