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#2 in our 8pm post series updating our FRIENDz on the reopening of our home! Remember, if you're viewing this via social, be sure to join our website so you get these updates immediately as some will be time-sensitive dealz! This is also all critical info for Studio reentry!
Well, kinda.
As I proudly say, we've "5 S'd the Sh*t out of the Studio" ... and my little Engineer heart couldn't be more proud lol
What does it mean for FRIENDz? Well, you'll see LOTS of signs. Signs about masks, where to enter/exit, where to get/put equipment, what to do with your belongings. ALL THE SIGNS.
Well, 2 specific types of signs. The red ones tell you about traffic FLOW:

And the green ones tell you important/helpful info

Let's go for a walk ...
First of all, prior to entry through the beloved glass doors behind Sprint, and long before heading down the stairs ... you'll have put on your mask. You'll see these signs outside every entrance into the Studio for gentle reminders. 😊 We will not provide masks (though we have some cute ones for "sale" ... all proceeds go toward COVID cleaning supplies LOL).

At this point you'll have noticed lots of reflective arrow tape on the carpets. Or maybe you wouldn't have, but now you will LOL. This tape tells you, explicitly, where to walk throughout the studio! Pay close attention to the direction of the arrows and you'll be safe as can be! It looks like this (and obvi it glows 😊) ...

Your first stop will be the FRIENDz Lounge. The only exception is if you have to pee or change (changing rooms are currently closed) or blow your nose (tissues are not currently being provided), please go to the bathroom. When you get to the Lounge, you'll stop at a pretty little social distancing circle sticker on the floor to make sure no one is coming. It looks like this ...

When it's safe (and you confirm there are no more than a TOTAL of 4 FRIENDz, INCLUDING YOU, in the lounge) ... you'll STAY RIGHT, following the arrows, and walk toward the shelves w/ the hand sanitizer ... it is MANDATORY to use this sanitizer!

There will also be a blue basket on these shelves (and a sign explaining) with clear plastic bags for ALL of your belongings (street shoes, keys, wallet, etc). PLEASE LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF THINGS YOU BRING INTO THE STUDIO! WE HAVE LIMITED SPACE TO STORE YOUR BELONGINGS WHILE YOU'RE IN CLASS. There are also no coat racks or leaving belongings over night.

Next you'll STAY RIGHT, following the arrows, and head into the lounge to change your shoes. Feel free to sit on one of the 2 (disinfected regularly) couches if desired (1 FRIEND at a time per couch). Then you'll put your belongings IN THE PLASTIC BAG on the designated shelves under the TV. There are also extra bags on top of the shelves (same blue basket). Note, if you'd rather, feel free to change your shoes in the hallway ... BUT NOT OUTSIDE. We need to preserve our floorz more than ever!

Finally, you'll follow the arrows, STAYING RIGHT, and head toward the door, stopping once again on the CIRCLE sticker until you confirm no one is entering ... which can be done by viewing the brand new "rear view" mirrors hung throughout the studio. (yes, I went there LOL). You'll AGAIN stop to use the hand sanitizer, then STAY RIGHT and exit.

Next stop is the TIKI! (unless you have to pee, then please go do that lol. But note, if you come from ANYWHERE OTHER THAN THE LOUNGE, please hand sanitize again. There is a bottle inside the tiki at the door too!). You'll once again be greeted by the CIRCLE stickers on the floor, helping you keep a safe distance from your FRIENDz.

If you didn't need to sanitize, you'll head right to the CIRCLE sticker in front of the (sneeze-guard protected) tiki and SCAN IN (far right end of the tiki). The Diva will then ask a series of super fun COVID questions, and she will also TAKE YOUR TEMP. Please note, we will not record anyone's temp, simply that you "passed." Anyone that fails the temp check will be kindly asked to leave 😭. Better yet, just remember, if you don't feel well OR IF YOU'VE TRAVELED OUTSIDE APPROVED LOCATIONS WITHIN NEW ENGLAND IN THE PAST 2 WEEKS (per mass rules), please stay home! Also, if you need a water (or anything from the retail space) let the Diva know, she will get it for you! No self-help for any retail items at this time. Please also ONLY speak with the Diva from the FRONT of the tiki while standing on the CIRCLE sticker. Last, we'd like to limit the use of cash so please allow us to charge retail items to your account or you can swipe your card (the reader has been moved to the FRIENDz side of the tiki, look closely above the "B")

Once you pass the check in test, peep the redesigned "Class Locations" boards to find your class!

Since you're probably already on overload, we're going to pause it here! Stay tuned for tomorrow's announcement with what you can expect once you enter the aerobics rooms!
A Note from Lauren...
You knew I was cray. OCD. Type A. But now you REALLY know. LOL
Namaste you fierce, powerful, goal-achieving Rock Star. You, FRIEND. All my love, Lauren "Pigtails" Caparso (& Mario hehe)
Couple More Things (some repeat info) ...
Reminder, week of august 10th is for active (through COVID) VIP & THRiVE memberz. We will monitor how the first week goes, with the goal of opening to additional active in-studio package holderz as soon as the following week. Don't worry, we'll open to EVERYONE as soon as we can!
Membership on hold but don't want to miss out on the next wave of spot openings? Just email us and let us know you'd like to resume by Sunday evening! Note, you'll also get first dibs & early access discounts on our new membership programs if you're active now! If you're viewing this via social, be sure to JOIN OUR SITE NOW so you're immediately notified of updates!
Note, This announcement marks a series of updates that will be rolling out every night this week at 8pm. We will talk about our new programs, new classes, what to expect at the studio, and the continued option of our Virtual Platforms.
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