👓What Will Class Be Like?👓
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👓What Will Class Be Like?👓

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OK, next in our nightly Studio update series ... what will it actually be like when you take a class? Well ... signs. 😂

OK, So I've Checked In ... Now What?

Well, per our last post. You'll check the new "Class Location" boards. And you'll see a sign underneath too. This explains how to pick a spot in class. Just wait 😂 It's also posted on Studio A & B doors, and outside the ENTRANCE DOOR to Studio C (more on that below)

As the sign states, when you get into any of the Studios (still wearing your mask, of course) ... look up. There are numbers on the ceilings. Not a lot of numbers, but numbers. 😭 That's yo space. Put your mat (no mat loaners for the time-being) / plastic bag w/ belongings, under it to claim the spot. During class, stay in the general vicinity of the spot. Yes, some spots aren't 100% in the mirror. Based on MA guidelines, it's the best we could do since we weren't keen on the "barriers" option 😭.

Also, look at the wall nearby, find your number. That's where you put your water, towel (no towel loaners for the time-being), and any other (limited) belongings you bring into class ... IN THE PLASTIC BAG GIVEN TO YOU BY THE DIVA, OF COURSE.

But Wait, How Do I ENTER Studios A, B & C?

Follow the arrows. For A & B, head toward the Studios and STAY LEFT.

For C, exit the Tiki and STAY LEFT ... being mindful of entering FRIENDz (use the rear view mirrors!). Then, from the hallway, use the door CLOSEST TO THE GLASS DOOR at the end of the hall (where you enter for babysitting).

What if I Need Equipment?

Well, great question. For some classes with obvious equipment (Step, Pound, etc.) the Divas will put out the equipment ahead of time. Note, you are still required to CLEAN ALL EQUIPMENT used by you during a class (more on that tomorrow). For others, you'll see a cart alongside one of the walls inside the Studio with a sign above it. You will NOT go into the equipment room before class. That cart (or carts) will contain your options for class. The teacher will let you know what to pick! Your mask is still on at this point, and BE SURE TO MAINTAIN 6 FEET BETWEEN FRIENDz WHILE PICKING!

Once you've got your equipment, head back to your spot and put it down. Remember to stay in the vicinity of your ceiling number! Remain here, mask on, until the teacher starts class. Talk to your FRIENDz from your designated spot, please. When the teacher is about to start class, put ALL your belongings (except your water bottle) in the plastic bag given to you by the Diva and put it by your wall number. Feel free to keep your water with you, but if you keep anything else with you (e.g. your towel) IT MUST BE IN A PLASTIC BAG BEFORE TOUCHING THE FLOOR.

Note, you are not required to wear a mask during class, but we highly suggest doing so if you feel safe enough (e.g. can breathe).

And don't worry FRIENDz, there will be plenty of signs and Diva and Staff to help you acclimate!

OK, what if I have to EXIT the Studio rooms?

Just be sure to use the DESIGNATED EXIT DOORS (don't worry you'll see signs)

  • For A, go THROUGH THE EQUIPMENT ROOM and OUT the far right door in Studio B

  • For B, go OUT the far left door in the back of the Studio (this door was always locked in the past)

  • For C, go OUT the far left door (when looking from inside the studio. Closest door to Tiki)

Can I leave to go to the bathroom?

Yes, but really try to do so BEFORE YOU CHECK IN. And if you leave during class, IMMEDIATELY PUT ON YOUR MASK and be sure to USE THE DESIGNATED EXIT DOORS.

My Goodness This is A LOT ...

Couldn't agree more. But I know we can do this. And it IS temporary! Once again, since you're probably already on overload, we're going to pause it here! Stay tuned for tomorrow's announcement with details around cleaning (yours, and ours!)

A Note from Lauren...

I still love you!! lol

Namaste you fierce, powerful, goal-achieving Rock Star.  You, FRIEND.

All my love,

Lauren "Pigtails" Caparso (& Mario hehe)

Couple More Things (some repeat info) ...

Reminder, week of august 10th is for active (through COVID) VIP & THRiVE memberz. We will monitor how the first week goes, with the goal of opening to additional active in-studio package holderz as soon as the following week.  Don't worry, we'll open to EVERYONE as soon as we can!

Membership on hold but don't want to miss out on the next wave of spot openings?  Just email us and let us know you'd like to resume by EOD Sunday 8/9!  Note, you'll also get first dibs & early access discounts on our new membership programs if you're active now! If you're viewing this via social, be sure to JOIN OUR SITE NOW so you're immediately notified of updates!

Note, This announcement marks a series of updates that will be rolling out every night this week at 8pm.  We will talk about our new programs, new classes, what to expect at the studio, and the continued option of our Virtual Platforms.

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